Sunday, September 11, 2005

Animal Farm meets Michelin Man

One of the joys of house-sitting is looking after the animals. Here PB hams it up for the camera with Ounooi the dog, a beautiful ridgeback, and Oliver the ginger tabby. Ounooi is almost as big as a shetland pony and she lives in the house with us. She's quite scary to look at but just a puppy inside. Oliver the cat, on the other hand, is a bit of a psycho. He loves to bite even if you are being friendly.

Notice I've got the puffer jacket on? Just trying to look a bit chubbier for the camera.


Anonymous said...

Got it now how to answer, I hope. When we get back you can show us Tasmania. Think I will come for a holiday as well. Glad you are having so much fun and the animals don't look neglected at all. Till the end of the week Velten

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the animal therapy. I love to see the pets.

Anonymous said...

Yes I can see it eyes off cat and wanders....should I or shouldn't I get my own back....:-) I love animals, we have a cat and dog at home, our cat Gezzabelle isn't to keen on cuddles either and our dog Angel loves them.

Anonymous said...

Hello, you have a great blog here! Good JOB!!!